Flux Trends Newsletter #40 by Dion Chang
Touch – Savane Organic Skincare
Savane Organic Skincare range was recently launched. An entirely South African product, Savane offers a unique cosmetic that prides itself on how it is manufactured and the ingredients it contains. For thousands of years, the people of Southern Africa have relied solely on indigenous plants to protect their skin from the desert sun and harsh climates. Savane blends this ancient traditional knowledge with modern Green Science to create their products that contain Africa’s unique botanicals in their most potent form. Inspired by the ethnobotany of South African plants the product range was designed accordingly. Natural antioxidants and deep penetrating essential fatty acids, such as Omegas 3, 6 and 9, form the basis of each of the luxurious skincare products. Stock up on Savane Organic Skincare products at either their online store at www.savaneskin.co.za or at (Lunar at 44 Stanley, Milpark (WJH).