Though you may never sit under a tree with the Owambo and Swazi women who collect Marula fruits and learn the skill of cracking the nuts to extract the oil, you can be certain that the fair price we pay for this oil empowers these women to live a more rewarding and fulfilling life. It will allow them to grow their business and take better care of their families. You can be certain that these women will protect the Marula trees, even planting more trees to preserve this natural resource for future generations.

Paying fair-trade prices for our ingredients helps improve the livelihood of the thousands of women from Namibia, Malawi, South Africa, Swaziland, Kenya and Uganda who harvest our ingredients. We use fair trade ingredients whenever available. Our Baobab, Kalahari Melon, Kigelia, Marula, Manketti and Rooibos ingredients are Fair Trade and certified by PhytoTrade Africa and FloCert. Currently 5 out of 6 of our products are made up of more than 50% Fair Trade certified ingredients.